I asked Scott today if he had a personal favourite subject for discussion - I was thinking something like applied science - he said doctrine, specifically the struggle between predestination and personal choice. It was an interesting discussion. I'll leave it there and hope that it will stimulate you to thought. We had the usual lot in the cafe and I did some drawings with one little girl who I have known since birth. She has come a long way, for a while we thought she wouldn't walk, but today she was jumping around. There's an art class in the cafe on a thursday - earlier in the day I had discussed with Carol how we portray ourselves, how this portrayal is what we desire to be. Jesus has a new portrait for us, a new image that we can receive if we desire - but it means the old portrait must end. In the art class the subject of the day was 'self-portrait' and there were some impressive one's. For some people it is so incredibly difficult to recevie this new portrait. We can be so tied up in the lies of the enemy - the angry, malicious words that the devil fills their mother/father/teacher/friends/self with and have heard it so much, it becomes difficult to hear the voice of the Lord saying 'you are the apple of my eye', or 'chosen'.
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