Wednesday, 12 January 2011


This was a tiring day, lots to keep me busy. I spent a lot of time doing paperwork - sorting out mail accumulated over the Christmas period, paying unpaid bills etc... I know the saying, 'how do you eat an elephant? - one bite at a time' and I can see how this works because just when you begin it begins to get easier. I started with all the simple tasks such as sorting out the junk and mis-addressed mail from that which was important. I then sorted bills from statements and so on. I made some relevant phone calls IRO unpaid bills. It didn't take too long before I began to get some order. God created order from chaos too. Marlene and Carol helped running the counter during the day too. There's a new till and using it is not always an easy adjustment to make. We also celebrated the birthday of a good friend, had Ginni and Pavna drop in, and about 30 other visitors today. I tried to encourage one of the children not to do art from their imagination but to do it by looking at and copying the wonderful things God has given us, I told her that this is what makes a true artist, someone who looks carefully at what God has done. No artist would deny being a copycat. Please pray for her, that she would look more to copying the beauty of God's creation, particularly in Jesus.