Basis of Faith

I think it is necessary for myself to have some sort of permanent text to revert to for the basis of my faith. It is not something necessarily doctrinal, rather personal, something that gives a reason for my faith.

As I observe and know the world I see many things, but primarily chaos and order.
Wherever I see chaos I see some form of selfishness behind it.
Wherever I see order I see some form of obedience and sacrifice.
The bible is the only document that I know of that gives me a reasonable answer as to where that comes from and where it is going to. So primarily it provides the best understanding to the problems I see in my world.

I also see that the solution to the worlds problems is not in punishment but in love - punishment being not a simple reprimand or prison sentence but an exacting compensation for replacement. Between reprimands and prison sentences I see no cure - only exacerbating angst or fear driven obedience - each of which result in no change in character, only in outward behaviour. I see the story in the bible of Jesus taking our punishment in love as the only reasonable solution to the problem of punishment and love and the only story that will drive people to character change.

I also see that I have understood these things mentally but within me as well I find life without purpose very meaningless - that I could actually have a soul - a place that is separate from my physical body whilst still being housed within and I wonder at this. Sometimes I look at my hands and fell like I am inside a machine that I will get out of one day. I do love this 'machine' and do not want to let go of it unless there's a better space for me to exist. I find that the bible satisfies this interest too, providing a future dwelling - a reasonable answer.

I like the way the stories of the bible share a common thread and that these stories are a collection of texts over 6000 years. That the predictions in these texts about the life and purpose of Jesus are 100 percent accurate, yet they may have been made thousands of years before his presence.

I also find many of the people incarnating Jesus to be very beautiful and very gentle, they speak tenderness to others and seem very calm. I see that this behaviour has been going on for thousands of years too, and they have held to their beliefs despite the harsh treatments, mockery and punishments they may have had to endure. At the same time I see many mistakes and negative behaviour in the history of the church, and I see how love overcomes even these evils.

None of the things that I set out as a basis for my faith are entirely credible or scientifically provable and this is where it is described as faith, for faith must be an understanding and a hope in things that are not necessarily provable otherwise they need not be hoped for, since they already are appropriated. This is the basis for my faith. As I get to understand more I might add to this.

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