Friday, 14 January 2011

American's are interesting

Well it was a busy day. We began the morning meeting with Duncan our director to discuss the future staffing needs of cafe Forever and to address our concerns. Duncan was encouraging and we hope to see the ministry growing again soon. After the meeting I worked on the counter and met up with an old friend who has been having some hard times. He has some sort of paranoia about mobile phones and new technology. He wasn't in a very good way and very difficult to talk with. Then I chatted with another person who I have met once before, he was very interesting, an American, and liked to talk philosophy. He indicated he appreciates the mentor Jesus but not the spiritual Jesus. We had an interesting talk about existentialism. I find a lot of American people have a great vocabulary and provide for interesting discussion. I also heard from another old friend during the day, he has had some medical problems recently. When the cafe closes administration is necessary before going home and I totalled up the days takings. Please pray for these two men and the board of directors of the London City Mission