My little Hannah has had another birthday party and it was attended by some old friends and some new one's from her school. I think they all had a wonderful time though Hannah was not feeling very well - paracetamol helped!
On Sunday we had a visiting preacher, Andrew Latimer from St Peter's Barge. Andrew is also the father of one of the girls in the same class as Hannah. These are all really important links. He gave us such a good lesson on the dysfunctional family of Jacob and how Joseph was part of God's rescue plan for his people.
I find it difficult to function effectively at Café Forever when I think of my duties as work, it is really just an extended weekend. For a start most of my 'work' is talking to people. When I talk to people I get to know them, their background, their fun. I also find in me something that makes for a common bond. It is in friendships that we are able to talk about our lives, the things that are most important to us. I would hate to be a converter of people - that makes you into somebody who is interested in targets and goals. Somebody who does the targets and goals thing is very businesslike and rational. I think perhaps the two hardest things for people to come to faith are firstly that they have to begin living relationally and not rationally, and that they will seem ridiculous when they do. This is why following Jesus is 'a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Greeks'. I had an opportunity to share my 'Damascus moment' with a friend yesterday. I was glad of an opportunity to share my hope and what God has done in my life already. It may seem manipulative, but the truth of the matter is I was able to talk about my experience because we are friends. My start point is I need friends, I really need people to help me deal with this life, and this person is somebody who is always ready to give me useful advice and I welcome his input; friendships develop around mutual trust.
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