December is almost gone - Christmas is two sleeps away and a lot of wonderful moments have already been had this month. We had a visit by the Koper girls (Brenda, Inge and Abi) from Secunda at the beginning of the month and Hannah and Lisa had one week of feeling like they had BIG sisters. Definitely little girls heaven.
Then we had the City of Peace Christmas service, Lisa was an angel and Hannah was Mary - she remembered her lines word for word - "I am the Lords servant, let it be as you have said." She was off school all of last week, and still is very ill with some sort of virus, has got some terrible ear ache as well as very high temperatures - divine intervention is required.

Then Sunday 23rd I was fortunate enough to be able to give the talk at Christchurch on the Isle of Dogs. It is a beautiful building - has some magnificent wooden beamed ceilings with beautiful art and carvings inside. The service is very different from our own with a sung liturgy, incense and bells ringing. I used texts from the book of common worship which was provided for me by Tom Pyke. I looked at Psalm 80 and Hebrews 10. I talked about how the psalmist looks to God enthroned for leadership and the Hebrews writer about the God who has got off the throne and descended to us to lead us. Apparently it was an excellent message and received well. On the 24th I will be helping out there again for their children's service, and on the 25th we will be having Christmas dinner with around 15 locals at our home. A really busy time, fun, but not made any easier by Hannah's illness - I really do not like to see her so sad. I pray that she will get well soon.
Then we had the City of Peace Christmas service, Lisa was an angel and Hannah was Mary - she remembered her lines word for word - "I am the Lords servant, let it be as you have said." She was off school all of last week, and still is very ill with some sort of virus, has got some terrible ear ache as well as very high temperatures - divine intervention is required.

Then Sunday 23rd I was fortunate enough to be able to give the talk at Christchurch on the Isle of Dogs. It is a beautiful building - has some magnificent wooden beamed ceilings with beautiful art and carvings inside. The service is very different from our own with a sung liturgy, incense and bells ringing. I used texts from the book of common worship which was provided for me by Tom Pyke. I looked at Psalm 80 and Hebrews 10. I talked about how the psalmist looks to God enthroned for leadership and the Hebrews writer about the God who has got off the throne and descended to us to lead us. Apparently it was an excellent message and received well. On the 24th I will be helping out there again for their children's service, and on the 25th we will be having Christmas dinner with around 15 locals at our home. A really busy time, fun, but not made any easier by Hannah's illness - I really do not like to see her so sad. I pray that she will get well soon.
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