Sunday 11 December we held our annual carols service. City of Peace church loses a number of it's members every year to annual holidays abroad around this time and so we take the opportunity to press out the last drops of wine that remain in the remnant before they depart for distant shores. Natalie spent the whole of Saturday decorating tables in Café Forever for the after service lunch, complete with edible golden fruit, while Andrew, our chef, prepared food. Then on Sunday at 8am I left for the Café to join Tom and Simon to haul the equipment across to St John's hall. I left most of it to them as I was focusing on sorting out the sound for the choir and musicians. We managed it all, just in time, and loads of people turned up! Most of the children got dressed up as shepherds, angels, wise men etc... The service went well and I think the talk I gave and the audio I arranged was good. It felt as if it worked really well. So nice to work together in such a group and to see how collectively things become special. Then we all trundled off back to the Café where we had an amazing meal, served by no less than Duncan, our director! The food was great; pumpkin soup, chicken pie and banoffee pudding. It was really a little bit like a heavenly banquette. The children all had too much cake and sweets and at about 2pm everyone began leaving - I was exhausted!
Angels, Shepherds and a sheep! |
Beautiful Café |
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