Last week I met a new chap in the café, he has recently moved onto the Isle of Dogs. We had an extended chat about the reasons for and against the existence of God. He says that he was raised in a Catholic family and went to the church but has doubts about God's existence and finds the arguments of atheists and humanists very convincing. I tried to point out that the experience of God is in getting out of the boat and not sitting on the sidelines, that somebody who really wants to examine the existence of God actually needs to try out his promises, I gave him a copy of 'The Reason For God' by Tim Keller. He came in again today and said that he hasn't read very much of it yet. I hope that he will read it and not just humour me. Another couple of men visited last week for the first time. They both are from Pakistan and are recent arrivals in England. I have quickly developed a nice friendship with them, the opener "Salaam Alekum", which was greeted with a huge smile and the question "are you a Muslim?", to which I answered, "No, Christian, but all the same, may peace be upon you". Today they came in again and we played a game of checkers (which I lost) much to their joy. Later in the afternoon Z came and played a game of chess with me. It is her second game - I have been teaching her (blind leading the blind I fear). I really enjoy this kind of work.
I have spent a lot of time this week designing vouchers and advertisements for marketing purposes. My shoulder is very sore at the moment - about 2 months ago I tore the muscles in it and lately it is getting worse. I have also spent a lot of time going to and from the doctor and the physio. The pain does make conversation difficult as I battle to concentrate. Today I had a steroid injection in an attempt to remove the inflamation. The doctor said it could take between 3 weeks and a year before I get better! OUCH!
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