Yesterday I gave a sermon on Abraham's sacrifice of his son (Genesis22)- did you notice it was never 'near' sacrifice - it was all the way! And he came BACK from the DEAD! Anyway here's the big news! One of my friends came to the service - for the first time in 5 years I have known him! Very exciting. I just hope that the topic was suitable. We have been reading through Abrahams life as a topical study and it's been very interesting. Yesterdays one was difficult since the story is so well known - it's one of those one's where you have to remind everyone about what's written there. Granted there are many who don't know the story and so there's always the joy of finding other peoples insight. We normally have a Q&A&comments session after the sermon but we didn't this time which is a bit disappointing since so much of the text can be elaborated on. Please pray for D_ that he comes again and that what he's heard hits home!
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