Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Living the Resurrection - Easter Egg Hunt

I am reading a book at the moment; 'Living the Resurrection' by Eugene Petersen, the chap who gave us 'The Message' translation of the bible. It is a really good read. One of the things that really rings home is how we have become fragmented more and more as community. Fragmented into little pieces based on our social status, our skin colour, our history, what we watch on TV and how we respond to that. Computers and cars and electronics and medicines all requiring experts, and if you are not an expert at one of these things you are nothing. But Jesus takes 2 fish from a small boy and feeds 5000. He goes on about how Jesus ...takes...gives thanks...breaks...gives back... I am so glad to be a follower of Him. We so often think we are inadequate, basing our judgement on ourself on the needs of this world. What can be less useful to the world than someone who prays? What a wasted past-time. But right now people around the world are praying for a footballer who collapsed on the pitch! Weird huh? Let me be honest, I find prayer quite difficult and odd. I wonder if the little boy who provided the fish prayed a lot?
The courses are coming to an end next week, and on Friday afternoon Café Forever is closing at 2pm as our annual Easter Egg Hunt taking place in St John's park.

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The photography course has been challenging for the students and for myself - I hope they have learned something, I guess at least some of them have a better understanding of what it takes to get a good picture. Every week I set them a specific task and last week was to capture a slow shutter speed image of water. Here's my attempt!
Also in the past week I have had some interesting discussions with visitors - one of whom was interested in the Church's view on homosexuality and said who is the church to speak out about homosexuality, I explained that it was not actually speaking out about it, but people with an agenda to alter law were trying to force the church to change their doctrine. I said that the issue of homosexuality wasn't really any more an issue than adultery, but you don't often find people trying to force the church to allow adultery. With another gentleman I have continued a previous debate IRO accepting personal flaws (effectively sinful nature) and rejecting them; accepting it as a character trait or rejecting it as a character trait. We have to be aware of our ability to sin, but we also must remember that we are children of God and as such that we live in the light of that truth. Without the resurrection I guess we'd all HAVE to accept our sinful nature - and just live with it!

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