When Halloween passes us the next thing on our diary is the Christmas Nativity service and the rehearsals in the Kids Club! (City of Peace has now taken the responsibility for the kids club off Cafe Forever.) The children are always surprisingly good at taking part and learning their lines! This year the youth group got involved - they produced a strong final message in the story - a sort of aside that interjected into the play that talked about how the birth of Jesus is still important today. It was so refreshing!
And then we started wondering what we would do for Christmas. We don't like Christmas alone - it doesn't seem to be the sort of thing God intended, and family, well God provides us with a great family, so we invited them - our Church family. The Café is a great space available in the tight confines of London homes and for too long we've cramped ourselves up in our house trying to fit in too many people. It was a lot of fun, so many different nationalities represented, and each one bringing a dish that speaks of their kind of Christmas. Of course there was the obligatory turkey too. Lots of interesting cakes, salads, finger food. And we carried on from 1 til 6pm! It was however, exhausting! I slept well that night, until my phone rung at 4:30am telling me there was a break-in at Cafe Forever! The till was stolen and the iPad, annoying at the most really. First break in since I have been at the cafe, so we have done well!
In Sunday services from 2020 we will be looking through the book of Acts - having spent some time in the Old Testament and our weekly reading is in Mark - we thought it would be good to see how the Spirit of God enables action. And we look forward to the pancake day in February!

In Sunday services from 2020 we will be looking through the book of Acts - having spent some time in the Old Testament and our weekly reading is in Mark - we thought it would be good to see how the Spirit of God enables action. And we look forward to the pancake day in February!